Dinner with No Reservation

Recently, old pictures of friends in New York have been like a treat in postcard form.

At that time my friend had just gotten back from Shanghai and she brought back so many surprises! It was also the first sleepover I’d had in what felt like ages.

A "Milk Collection"--yummy!

Since I’ve been back in Florida I’ve been contemplating many things, and a few of those things are the idea of aspirations, one-way track living, and what matters. Some have aspirations to start a family, or meet that someone special. Some want to see policies change, and some are career driven. There are some who just want to be a better person, or as I like to say… a more realized self. Because my idea of “better” may be different from yours, so where’s the good and bad in that? No where.

Anyway, I’m at a point in my life where most of my friends are getting engaged, married, starting their careers, or even going back to school. Then there are those that are pursuing more unconventional aspirations by going to artist residencies, going on long journeys in different hemispheres, or being entrepreneurs and starting from scratch. But that’s what other people are doing. What am I doing? It’s not until I tell people about my life and someone gets confused about the timeline and events, that I realize that my life and family may seem unconventional. But we never think about it like that because in reality we’re not. Just in a person’s perception. Life does not exist in boxes, nor in a telescope. It’s funny how we are existing on one planet and everything from the atmosphere to the reason why your hair is falling out are related to something, which are related to something else. Then there’s the greater universe, and somehow that thought makes me think of how insignificant some things really are. Those things that disappear from our minds, and who knows… maybe they exist in a way that stars are a vision of the past. But why do things matter? Aside from survival being an instinct, I think things matter because it helps us feel like we live for something. A reason. Somethings matter so much that we’d die for it. I once asked myself that I know that I would die for someone, but would I walk 5,000 miles for them? I’d probably walk 5,000 miles just to walk. You know when you don’t have a reason for doing something, but there’s something inexplicable within you that is compelled? The kinds of things that have no answer when someone asks you, “why?” That’s been most of my guiding inspiration throughout life, and maybe it can be hard to understand. So that’s what I’m doing.

But here’s something a little less wordy, and easy on the eyes.

My dad definitely knows I like to try new things, and he does too.

I hadn't heard of wild red rice until that point.

I love the idea of wild rice invading rice fields.

Yes, there's a little patty hiding under the slices of coastal cheddar.

Sometimes I look through recipes based on what I already have. Most of the time I don’t want to have to go out and buy an ingredient (unless it’s a fruit or vegetable… then I don’t care). I wanted a recipe that would get me to use hemp seeds in a new way, so when I found this one for Hemp Burgers–I marked it. I didn’t realize the recipe called for herb seasoned stuffing until I was ready to make it. These were my options a) buy seasoned stuffing–which I would rarely use b) make stuffing from the loaf of bread I didn’t have or c) improvise and use rice! The only reason the stuffing was in the recipe in the first place was to act as binder, so I figured if I just ran the rice through the food processor it would work. And it did!

Don't be shy little burger.

I wanted to make the loaf version of 'Cinnamon Fantails' for a dinner party I hosted awhile ago...

Alas, I wasn’t able to because I was running late with everything that day, but I decided to make it the next day. “I’m sorry, you arrived late and the guests are all gone!” This turned out to look like an edible version of the Grand Canyon. I realized later on why. I was suppose to bake it exposing the layers right side up, but who cares?

So what’s this you heard about a dinner party the night prior? Continue reading

Benvenuti in Mia Casa

Edit: voting is now open, and you can click here to check out this entry to vote! Thank you, and good luck to my fellow contestants.

The third challenge of Project Food Blog was one that I’ve had my eye on for awhile.


Inspiration for the meal that I had been imagining came from this.

A simple sprig of rosemary. This challenge asked us to host a dinner party where our guests would discover new tastes and exotic flavors. Also, watch out for hosting tips throughout the post.

So here’s what I’ve had in store for the third challenge!

What to do a week or a few days before your dinner party…

Come up with a guest list and invite them! On the invitation I let my guests know that this affair was one that called for “dressing up” with room for their own interpretation. I couldn’t wait to see what they would come up with.

Pick out recipes.

Keep your guests and their allergies/dislikes/likes in mind when coming up with a menu.

For instance, I remembered one of my friends really loves farfalle.

Little things like that can bring a simple smile to someone’s face.

Make your shopping list.

Things to do the day prior…

Hunt and gather!

While I was shopping for my groceries I kept in mind that I want my guests to feel as special as they are. Quality and authenticity are very important to me, and this doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank: check for sales, don’t just buy the first thing you see, and consider the things that you feel okay splurging on.

Tidy up your place, and make sure your co-host is squeaky clean.
Looking at the steps in a recipe beforehand will keep you from finding out about long prep times at the last minute.

Depending on what you’re making, you can start prepping the day before. I recommend doing whatever will keep you at ease. The last thing you want is for your guests to feed off of any stress, so it’s better to do things at a nice pace rather than waiting till the last minute.

Simply enjoy yourself! My sassy self doing just that by singing along to Domenico Modugno .

The day of…

First thought: FINALLY!

Most of your cooking should be done today to ensure a fresh meal, and to let the seductive smells take over; Perfect for greeting your guests! Also, keep love and celebration in your heart when cooking. I truly believe that people can take these things in while they’re polishing off their plates.

The bell rings and…

The guests have arrived!

I wanted us to take a journey through Italy starting from the northern region and making our ways feasting through this incredible country. Italian cuisine is usually associated with pizza, pastas, red sauces, cheese, and wine. Over the years I’ve learned that there are so many more dishes that this country has to offer. Afterall, with such an ancient history and every family having a sacred recipe by their Nonna, there’s just got to be more!

Very fresh out of the oven!

Focaccia is enjoyed throughout Italy, but it’s interesting to see how the preparation differs in each region. One thing that is so great about this bread is that it really embodies this sense of community. It brings me back to times of getting a big loaf of bread at a bakery with friends, ripping off chunks and devouring it while walking and talking the hours away.

I put the knife down and we all just broke off pieces with our hands, dipping it in the oil & vinegar infusion.

My mom may recognize this dress, since it was hers from when she was my age! I thought the Emilio Pucci print was very fitting for traveling through Italy, don’t you think?

Matilda attending to her duties as co-host, switching to each guests lap spreading the love... or wanting the food?

Next stop, the romantic lands of Tuscany.

People in this area are often called mangiafagiole, which means “beaneaters”. None of us had ever tried a pasta dish like this, and we all agreed that we would happily try more!

Sicilian cuisine is usually influenced by the sea and fresh picks from the garden.

It’s nice to be reminded that simplicity can also be thoroughly enjoyed, which shows that you don’t need to make a highly elaborate dish to satisfy your guests. I think an empty dish can attest to that.

See what I mean--sneaky sneaky.

In a relaxed atmosphere, helping ourselves to more if we felt like it...

And having good conversation!

Then it was time to make the dessert. It’s nice to cook with your guests, and it doesn’t come off as unprepared at all. We’re human and sharing food is such a great way to establish a deeper connection. Who needs stiff air that doesn’t allow for any interaction if everything is already “set”?

Matilda knew something sweet was in store.

Ending a meal on a sweet note, Italian-style!

I served the oranges in a marsala sauce along with the biscotti, and sweet white wine (which I highly recommend) for dipping. Everything complemented the other wonderfully. When my guests exclaimed that these were the best biscotti they’ve ever had, I couldn’t help but agree! Hey, when it’s good, it’s good.

I was little weary of this recipe because of the combination and I made them egg-free.

A toast to recent accomplishments and a great meal.

What a great challenge, and I hope you all enjoyed it! I had been looking forward to this and keeping my fingers crossed, hoping I would make it to this round so I could have the most motivation to host a dinner party. Having a dinner party may sound like a stressful task to undertake. But if you see it as something fun where you get to share a wonderful experience with others… well, why not have a glorious feast in that honor?

Voting opens tomorrow at 6 AM Pacific Time October 4th through 6 PM Pacific Time October 7th. You can check out my profile here!