Breakfasts Fit for Royalty

As I’m sitting here typing this I’m enjoying a nice cup of French vanilla coffee with a splash of vanilla almond milk while it’s pouring outside. I usually don’t drink coffee, so this is a treat! I’m actually glad it’s raining because that’ll help make the temperatures more bearable. I can’t believe I rode my bike to store yesterday in 100+ degree weather. It actually didn’t feel that hot though. Anyway, I think this is the perfect time to share some wonderful breakfast creations I’ve been making. Of course they involve oats and a some granola too!
What the heck those oats are yellow?

What the heck those oats are yellow!

Gingery Bango Oats

1/2 cup oatmeal (or more)

1 cup liquid (water, milk, milk alternative)

1 scoop banana protein powder (I used Spiru-tein)

1 cup mango chunks

1 Tbl crystallized ginger

1. Boil the cup of water, milk, what have you. Stir in the protein powder. That’s when the yellow kicks in!

2. Once it has reached it’s boiling point, stir in the oats. Now stir every once in awhile until the oats are done cooking.

3. Serve and mix in the mango chunks and crystallized ginger.

Oatmeal a la Heather

Oatmeal a la Heather.

I opted for frozen mango chunks!

I opted for frozen mango chunks!

Heather’s wonderful idea: using the jar as a bowl for a final farewell to Barney. I definitely wanted to get as much of out of this $10 jar of almond butter as I could. The love affair was amazing while it lasted, but Barney is too high maintenance for me! I think I’d prefer a simpler man who doesn’t want to go on such expensive dates.

So tropical!

So tropical!

Mango and banana make an awesome crime fighting team. Hungry stomachs around the world, beware!

Such a refreshing breakfast with a cup of green tea.

Such a refreshing breakfast with a cup of green tea.

A yummy bowl of Hemp Bliss Granola, strawberries, and plain yogurt. I always start out my day with a cup of green tea.

Rose Water

I love the colorful bottle.

The white peach slices make for a beautiful presentation!

The white peach slices make for a beautiful presentation!

Peach and Banana Oats infused with Rose Water

1/2 cup oatmeal (or more)

1 cup liquid (water, milk, milk alternative)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 sliced peach

1/2 sliced banana

Sliced Almonds

Splash of Rose Water

1. Boil the cup of water, milk, what have you with the protein powder.

2. Once it has reached it’s boiling point, stir in the oats.

3. Serve and mix in the peach and banana slices, and the rose water. Then sprinkle the almonds on top.


I saved the best for last! I'll call this delectable creation Cherry Almond and Ginger Oats

I saved the best for last! I'll call this delectable creation Ginger Cherry-Almond Oats

Ginger Cherry-Almond Oats

1/2 cup oatmeal (or more if you’re hungry)

1 cup liquid (water, milk, milk alternative)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder (optional but if you omit this then add in 1 tsp vanilla extract)

Smidge sweetner of choice (I used stevia)

Sliced Almonds

1 cup cherries (I used frozen to cool the oatmeal down)

1 Tbl crystallized ginger

1. Boil the cup of water, milk, what have you. Stir in the protein powder, almonds, and sweetener.

2. Once it’s boiling stir in the oats. You know the drill!

3. When it’s done cooking, serve in your favorite bowl and mix in the cherries and crystallized ginger.

Note: You guys don’t have to use protein powder, but since I need to make sure I’m getting enough protein I include it. It makes for a much creamier and thicker oatmeal.



Look at my make-shift bookmark!

Look at my make-shift bookmark! Noticed the empty bowl in the background?



I finished reading Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami. I’ve heard a lot about this author and this was my first book of his that I’ve read. The only japanese literature I’ve read are poems and proverbial stories. I’m not sure if his style is typical of contemporary Japanese authors, but I definitely enjoyed the book. I can only imagine all the books he’s read and experiences he’s had because the imagery and language in his writing is wonderful! I’ve been trying to do a lot of summer reading. Actually, I want to read more in general. I know that during my semesters it’s hard to read a book that’s not required for classes, but I’ve managed to. However, I know I could read more. The imagination grows the more one reads. I know I sound like a total nerd, but I’m all about never losing my imagination. I think it’s more important than preserving my skin! But I think my mom would disagree.

Anybody have any book recommendations?

Here’s a song you guys can dance around your room to and pretend you’re a rockstar!

St. Vincent – Actor out of work