The Bigger Picture

Hello everyone! I have some delicious things to share with you!

Roasted green beans with almonds is one of my favorite side dishes as of late.
Roasting things in general is something I’ve been loving lately.

It doesn’t require active participation in the kitchen, so it’s perfect for making something delicious when you also need to be doing something else. Shown above is a chickpea cutlet (recipe from Veganomicon) with fig preserves, red potatoes and chickpeas fried with bratkartoffel würzer, and roasted brussels sprouts with a sweet mustard dressing. I can’t begin to explain how deliciously savory and sweet this meal was.

Let me explain…

This is a seasoning my mom’s friend sent over from Germany, and it has all of these wonderful ingredients: salt, paprika, onion, curry, pepper, marjoram, pimento, ginger, cloves, and sugar. You just fry the potatoes with these seasonigs, some diced onions and voila! You have yourself a meal to remember. Actually, this meal made me feel very nostalgic of Germany, and I thought of my two Prinzessins, Neela and Mel.

More roasting, chickpeas, potatoes, and chickpea cutlets!

But still different! I can’t remember the last time I had mashed potatoes, but I have been missing out. I simply followed a recipe in my ayurvedic cookbook for regular mashed potatoes, but I added in some other spices and garlic. Once I served it I let some ghee just melt into this comforting mash. Also served with a chickpea cutlet with fig preserves (thanks to this lady’s recommendation), roasted chickpeas and broccoli, and cilantro for garnish (and flavor!).

All together now–yum!
Taking a moment with a tranquil cup of orange blossom tea, while finishing up a crafting project.
Breakfast just elevated up to whole other level!

I was so excited when I saw this bowl at the thrift store the other day. I remember over a year ago pining over it and thinking how it was so perfect for me since breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

Many delicious breakfasts to be had with my spilt milk bowl: oats, diced apple, dates, crunchy peanut butter, sliced banana, almonds, cinnamon, and honey!
Behold, the honeycrisp! Now I know why people love these apples so much.
Funky deconstructed sushi bowl

I just threw together some cooked rice, edamame, nori, wakame, a grated carrot, vegan mayo, sesame seeds, Bragg’s, cilantro, and pickled ginger of course! Totally random and yummy.

Recently, I did a performance/video/projection piece.

This semester has been really wonderful for me so far. I’ve explored and challenged my mind, my body, and my craft in so many different ways. I usually have a hard time asking for favors, and in my dance class I’m constantly asking for favors. Let me explain what I mean. In other words I’ve gotten use to literally giving my weight to others, and taking weight from other as well. It feels great, and has helped me realize that things just go along smoother when you do share your weight. Because if you hesitate and hold back, then it makes it difficult for the other person to understand what you want to do. In the end you’re left with a balance. I guess my point is that in my classes I’ve found so many parallels that I can apply to my life, and not just in the classroom. What are some things you’ve learned recently that could be applied to the grand scheme of things?

Capturing the Spark

I’m going to rewind a bit to… two weekends ago! My mother and I had a photoshoot the NuSkin “Keep My Age a Secret” challenge we’ll be participating in. It was fun to have that bonding time with her, and being the one in front of the camera this time. Anyway, here are some pictures!


Might I also add that I'm not wearing foundation...


My skin is definitely reaping the benefits of taking extra care of my liver!


I'll keep you updated on what happens.


Now on the food front… for breakfast I’ve been enjoying a medley of fruits!


Papaya, peaches, and frozen banana slices!



Peaches, blueberries, dates, and papaya!



The fruits were piled so high I almost forgot there were oats under there--just kidding!



B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! Apricot, frozen banana, and blueberries.



Mixing the Greek yogurt, oats, and fruits together.



The big kahuna--my favorite!


I bought a bag of apricots at the store the other day. They’re so hard to find down here! Is anyone else having trouble finding certain foods that are in season? I remember last year when there was a shortage on canned pumpkin during the holiday season–uh oh! Anyway, here’s a little interesting fact I found on these little stone fruits: “Apricot fruits are very useful to those people, who suffer from anemia. Only 100 g of fresh apricot fruit has the same effect on blood flow as 250 g of fresh liver.” They’re also an excellent source of beta-carotene and are useful for reducing infections or skin problems.

My chicka, Liz, sent me this very helpful link the other day: “Ayurvedic Healing Foods“! One of the tidbits reminded me of my friend in New York who’d peel almond skins because of what her cousin, who’s an Ayurvedic practioner, recommended. And I actually thought of her when I was making this recipe…


Naked almonds!


Ayurveda recommends blanching and peeling almonds


I stole their clothes down by the river mwahaha.



Ani Phyo's Almond Frangipane


I made a batch of this recipe so I could make fig tartlets, and this is also delicious on its own or with some fruit–like peaches! I’m just loving peaches right now if you can’t tell.


Another recipe from Ani Phyo's dessert book.


I had bookmarked her spiced blueberry cobbler recipe. This was so so SO good, and topping it with coconut ice kream (also from this book) made it that much better! I really can’t believe how simple and delicious these recipes are. I’ve renewed this book from the library twice already.


This treat is baked however, and it's my own recipe.


This week I was inspired by a Hawaiian combination of raisins and pistachios. I used golden raisins, dried cranberries, and pistachios for my secret oat bar recipe. Verdict? Deliciously chewy, moist, and sweet. Making these bars with different variations has become a weekly ritual for me. I set aside some time either Sunday night or Monday morning and get to baking. I love experimenting with different combinations, and with the delicious smells wafting through the air… who wouldn’t make this a weekly tradition?


Also baked, but not sweet.


I tossed these cheetah rounds in coconut oil, then seasoned them with turmeric, curry, and salt. YUM! I love curry powder so much. Have you ever tried adding some to ketchup? It’s so yummy!


A sandweech!


I stuffed this sandwich with homemade 15-bean hummus, marinated artichoke, spinach, and mini bell-peppers. For the mixed bean hummus I added extra curry powder because what the original recipe called for just wasn’t enough for me.



Dino kale salad!


I wondered what raw dino kale tasted like. What else went into this salad? Some mixed bean hummus, sun-dried tomatoes, shallot, and sweet vidalia onion dressing. So how was it raw? Not bad, not bad at all.



And cooked following one of my favorite ways to eat kale...


Fry some onions, shallots, and garlic. Then I threw in the dino kale, spinach, cherry tomatoes, golden raisins, mixed beans, and a splash of balsamic. After it was done cooking I poured on some flaxseed oil to get my dose for the meal hehe. I had also roasted some butternut squash tossed in coconut oil and simply salted. I’ve been trying to spice up my meals a bit, since I noticed that my meals were getting pretty boring. They tasted good, but they were lacking creativity.



Inspired by a Colombian recipe


The other day my mom was browsing her Colombian cookbook. She had left the beans to soak overnight, but she didn’t have time to make the recipe–bandeja paisa. It’s basically a platter of various foods from the Paisa region of Colombia. I figured that she wanted to cook the frijoles part of this platter. I read the recipe after I had already cooked the beans, and I realized I would have to change it a bit. Since it called for the beans to be cooked with the ingredients, but no big deal. I just decided to fry the onions, grated carrot, tomato “salsa”, smashed banana, and the beans of course. Then I seasoned it with salt , pepper, and lots of cumin! Garnish it with scallions and you’re set. My mom was very happy when she got home from work, and she had this waiting for her. Note: I used ghee for the frying, and I highly suggest it. I have been loving the flavor that ghee lends to everything I’ve used it in; just imagine a deeper butter flavor. From toast, rice, sweet potatoes, or traditional Colombian recipes–ghee will liven anything up! Even your body. “Indians regard the substance as very important as it could boost overall body strength, beauty, and luster.” Additionally, it’s lactose-free so those with allergies to milk can enjoy this as well.



Must get the creative juices flowing...



I put together a mish-mosh dinner: baked sweet potato + ghee + flaxseed oil, roasted beets + olive oil and seasoning, mixed bean hummus, and random celery stalks.



Not so creative, but it still tastes good!


Maybe you noticed the apron I’m sporting here. The last time I roasted beets I had a little accident and nearly stained my shirt. If beets are on the menu, then I definitely plan on wearing an apron! What are some kitchen mishaps you learned a lesson from?

Getting Creative in the Kitchen

Ta-da!Banana-Raisin Pumpkin Seed Butter Muffins

A couple months ago I kidnapped a big jar of pumpkin seed butter from my parent’s place. Sadly, the taste didn’t really sit well with me but I figured there had to be some way I could use this! I have seen plenty of peanut butter cookie, muffin, and bread recipes, so why not this little humble seed butter? That’s when these little muffins came about.  Next time I make these I want to use maple syrup instead of sugar–I think it will greatly lend to the taste. Experiments are so much fun! A little side note: seed butters are great for anyone with nut allergies!


Whole Wheat Flour 1 cup

Quick Cooking Oats 2/3 cup

Sugar 3/4 cup

Baking Powder 1 Tbl

Pumpkin seed butter 1/2 cup

1 Mashed banana

Milk of choice 1 cup (I used Almond Breeze Original)

3 Tbl raisins

Brown sugar

1. Pre-heat the oven at 400F/200C for 15 minutes. Grease with little cooking spray or line the muffin tins with paper liners and set aside.

2. In a large bowl combine together the flour, oatmeal, sugar and baking powder.

3. In a small sauce pan, over low heat, melt pumpkin seed butter and banana in milk, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and set aside to cool slightly.

4. Once the pumpkin seed butter mixture is cool, incorporate it into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. Then mix in the raisins.

5. Spoon the batter into the prepared pan filling it to the top of each cup. Then sprinkle some brown sugar over each muffin.

6. The above batter was enough for 12 small muffins. I took out mine from the oven around 15 minutes, but I think 13-15 minutes should be perfect. I felt that in this recipe the smell of the muffins is an indicator of the doneness in addition to the toothpick test.

Now here are some ways I’ve enjoyed them!

With fruit and caramel peanut butter.

Warmed up with coconut oil then crumbled in yogurt with dark chocolate peanut butter.

I’ve also enjoyed them with a glasses of almond milk, and with maple syrup and ginger syrup drizzled on top.

Breakfast the other day involved the last of the leftover whole wheat yogurt pancakes.

And a bowl of Greek yogurt outshone by the blend of berries, chopped dates, pomegranate arils, and sliced almonds.

One of the pancakes had blackberries and chocolate chips.

I spread the usual coconut oil on the pancakes; but this time I sprinkled on some shredded coconut and sliced almonds, then drizzled on some ginger syrup.

For lunch I quickly assembled this sandwich: dark chocolate peanut butter + dried figs on wheat & oat bread.

After my Literary Journalists class I headed over to the boutique to sign the model contract and find out a bit more information. Sadly, I won’t be able to go on the trip to New York with my sculpture class since the fashion show is on the same weekend. But it’s okay… since I have no classes on Fridays I’m hoping I can head up there soon anyway! After I signed the contract I headed over the lab to work on a DVD to go along with a package I’m putting together for my best friend. I’m so excited about it! Yesterday night I wanted to make something special for dinner. I attempted my very first recipe from my new cookbook, Veganomicon.

I love the smell of onions cooking!

Onion rings


Et voila!

Pumpkin Baked Ziti with Caramelized Onions and Sage Crumb Topping

Since this was a vegan recipe it called for a veganized ricotta–cashew “ricotta” to be exact. I also didn’t have oregano on hand so I used tarragon instead and it gave the ziti a wonderful sweetness. Another substitution I had to make was butternut squash for the pumpkin puree. I couldn’t find a can of it for the life of me so I just made my own puree out of butternut squash. The smell as this was baking was heavenly, and the taste was even more divine. I knew I was choosing a great recipe from the very start! Do any Veganomicon owners have any recipe suggestions for moi?

I hope everyone’s week is going well–we’re halfway there!

Getting My Groove Back

Pilar came over and we did some crafts and watched The Little Rascals.

Watching that movie made me realize how much we grow up as people and how perspectives change. When I was taking the Taoism class, the “ideal” state of mind was the one of a child – simple.

I think as a child I would've eaten this still!

I probably wouldn’t have sat there admiring all the colors, textures, but I definitely would’ve appreciated the taste. Reminded me a bit of a childhood favorite, peaches-n-cream.

For dinner we wanted to go out on my last night. I found this amazing sounding restaurant called Emunah. Let me tell you a little bit about it. It’s a kabbalistic cafe and teabar, “the intention of café emunah is to offer an experience for the senses, & an oasis for the mind, body and soul… a physical journey into your spiritual self.” With things on the menu like Artichoke Expansion, rolls with candied ginger and crisped plantains, Vegetarian Encounter, and Chai Tea Creme Brulee… I got excited to go! We headed out but when we got there we found out that they do respect the Sabbath day so they didn’t open their doors till an hour after sunset. Well not to worry because on the way there we spotted a cozy Italian bakery, so we checked it out.

The Italian bakery

The place was very authentic and they even had live television from Italy. I saw so many almond delights – hello marzipan! They also had colorful pressed paninis with cheeses, sun-dried tomatoes–the works! I even spotted lots of fresh panettones. Not to mention, we were the only ones there who weren’t Italian.

Can't forget the desserts!

A cup of coffee to go along with...

We got some cookies that sparked our curiosity.

My favorite was the one on the top left! That one was so soft with marzipan and dusted with confectioner’s sugar. Delicious.

A real cheesecake!

This was so good and so easy to savour. Rich in texture and subtly sweet.

I had to take a picture of this beautiful torte.

I love the use of crabapples as garnish!

Last night in Florida... until next time!

We came home and since my mom would be alone this coming week I wanted to make things a little easier for her.

So I made an Asian stir-fry

I think Mom was proud of me and I was not use to being photographed while cooking haha! I better get use to it, right?

I also made a ratatouille for her.

I also left some things diced and sliced so she won’t have to worry about food prep. Food prep is such a relaxing and quieting experience for me, but for some it can be a hassle. I think I may start buying pomegranates because I love deseeding them. Well that’s not the only reason hehe!

A Reese's ice cream bar... it barely had any peanut butter!!!

From the ice cream bar selection at gas stations the Strawberry Shortcakes ones are my favorite. What are yours?

Holy moly snack!

I am so glad this idea crossed my mind! I used Sunland’s caramel peanut butter as a dip for the apricot pumpkin Pranabar.

Now that I’m back in Richmond here’s what I’ve been up to…

Trader Joe's with my roommate!

She found some inspiration for a color palette for some jewelry all thanks to these beautiful pearl onions!

Yesterday was a crazy errand running day. I should just call it Crazy Errand Running Day! I was literally running errands from after lunch till around 9 pm. But it was fun though! I love busy days that have you feeling accomplished. After I was done with my errands it was time to meet up with some of my favorite ladies!

Camera shy Pantene Pro-V model?

Taking pictures of each other taking pictures!

My stomach is sore from laughing thanks to them haha.

It was half off sushi night!

Apparently everyone in town and their mother knows about this because we sucked it up for two hours to finally get a table. Atleast we had each other, a bar, and a super cute bartender to keep us company!

Then my opera singing lady showed up. She's going to be the feature of an upcoming recital! Oh and there's our cute bartender!

What's this? A miracle! We finally had a table!

We were finally seated around 12:30 so we had sushi as a midnight snack!

Since it was half off we ordered a bunch of things and shared. I ordered the Garden Balls – shiitake mushrooms, red peppers, green peppers, jalapeños, cilantro and spicy rice in an inari pocket then tempura fried. So good!!!

So now I’m just sorting things out, getting use to the weather (which hasn’t been too bad), and hanging out with friends before my semester starts back up again! I hope you all had a great start to your week yesterday. My dad’s birthday is coming up in two days and I haven’t got a clue as to what I should do! Hmm…

p.s. check out one of the most exciting giveaways I’ve encountered so far!!! Iowa Girl Eats + Amy’s = Amy’s Kitchen Giveaway!

Doubt your doubts

On Friday, I met up with my partner for our group project – she overslept and left early. I ended up making the entire powerpoint including cutting the clips for the different films. Then on presentation day the professor said our focus was not what he wanted (even though he never said what he wanted). Thank goodness I did my research though, so it wasn’t a big deal. However, my partner I guess didn’t inform herself of the subject she was going to present and she actually said, “excuse me Professor, but honestly we don’t have anything to say. So can we go next week?” Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? I ended up doing most of the talking, then I paused and asked her if she wanted to say anything, then she says into the mic, “yeah, I was going to say… when are you gonna let me say something?” – with the biggest attitude. I couldn’t believe her. But I’m glad that’s over with! So I didn’t get to really go to the First Friday Artwalk like I wanted to because I had to work on the powerpoint, but I did have to take Matilda on a walk. To my pleasure, the artwalk was still going on and Matilda got some free Texan smoked ribs. There was also farmer’s market out of a bus! What an awesome way to support local farms – too bad i left my wallet and camera at home.

Breakfast to give me brain power before my presentation!

Breakfast to give me brain power before my presentation!

I tried the plain Chobani flavor that morning. I am still loving the consistency of this yogurt! Can’t say much about the taste though, plain is plain. I had it with Zoe’s Granola, almonds, and mango chunks bits.

Anywho, after my Saturday class presentation ship sunk, I vented to my mom a bit and she made me feel better. I decided to take some “me” time to do whatever the heck I wanted to. I met up with a friend on an avenue with lots of monuments and a huge grass median. Then we went on a long leisurely bike ride and learned more about each other. She’s gone through a lot of the unusual college circumstances I’ve gone through, so it’s nice to have someone that can relate.

My bike! And a statue!

My bike is back in business and better than ever!

Windblown and wise?

Windblown and wise?

That’s the “kangaroo pouch” I carry her in when we go on bike rides. She rides in style and she looks like a G with one paw out and bobbing her head.

After dinner, I ended up taking a nap (this is rare for me) to replenish myself before I went out to meet up with some of my favorite ladies.

Pomegranate flavor!

I had a little snack before I left - Pomegranate Chobani!

I enjoyed this flavor Chobani as well. So far so good. Can I remind you all that Greek yogurt has a lot of protein! Just what I need. The consistency of this is creamier rather than whipped. Oh and I love pomegranate seeds, so biting into them wasn’t weird for me at all. My mom actually makes stir-fries with the seeds and it adds a tiny burst of flavor when you bite into one.

Before I headed out I spritzed my "ladylike" perfume.

Before I headed out I spritzed some of my "ladylike" perfume on.

I have different perfumes for different moods. I use Prada Tendre when I want to embody the feeling of… “I am WOMAN!”

We went to Capital Ale House thinking they had some Oktoberfest celebration going on...

We went to Capital Ale House thinking they had some Oktoberfest celebration going on...

So we went to another bar... a sports bar?

So we went to another bar... a sports bar?

Sports bars are not really my “scene”, but I really didn’t care because I was just happy to be with my friends.

Cocktails all around!

Cocktails all around!

The next morning I got up when my body was ready – 9 am. I usually wake up before that, so when I saw what time it was I literally jumped out of bed!



Heyy it’s October, I can make those jokes if I want to.

BlueBran VitaTop, sliced banana, Blueberry Chobani, and the rest of my Artisana Pecan Butter jar.

BlueBran VitaTop, sliced banana, Blueberry Chobani, and the rest of my Artisana Pecan Butter jar.

At first I thought I would include some frozen berries, but then I thought… overkill? So I opted for a banana instead. Okay so, the Blueberry Chobani was also a winner! I just love yogurt – can you believe I hated it before? The consistency used to freaked me out. But then I tried Greek yogurt, and overtime I just got comfortable with other kinds too. The VitaTop was “meh”. It’s surprising that I’m not really digging the “Bran” VitaTops. And the Artisana Pecan Butter? Diiiivine! I really wish they had it in stores though! You hear that Artisana? I’m pretty sure if you guys put your nut butters on store shelves they would be best-sellers! I would spread the word – they’d think I’m a crazy fan. Well, I am!

Let’s see… now on to some snacks!

I'm not use to this kind of snack!

I'm not use to this kind of snack!

Okay, so my twelve year-old mind is giggling at this. This is the Kielbasa Tofurky sausage, I posted about it before. This time I squirted on some ketchup, Trader Joe’s organic sweet relish, their horseradish hummus, and some red onions. Yum! I wanted to get a better taste of the product itself. And I must say that I approve. Like I said before, I had really only tried veggiedogs before, but never any of the hefty sausages. I think I will buy these kinds from now on because whenever I have the veggiedogs I always need 2 or 3 at a time to feel satisfied. And with these, I’m fine with just one.

I had to laugh at this!

I had to laugh at this!

I tried the Chai Spice Kardea bar flavor. It looks like a mound of something because I over-heated it in the microwave. My bad! Nonetheless, it didn’t lose any of its delicious flavor. Yup, that’s right, Kardea did it again. It tasted like I was chewing a cup of chai tea. That sounds weird, but that’s the only way I can describe it. I swear, I have one more bar to try, and I’m looking forward to it. They haven’t let my tastebuds down thus far.

CranBran VitaTop

CranBran VitaTop

I’m just not a fan of the “Bran” variation. Well, I haven’t tried them all, so I can’t say that really. But yeah, I wasn’t too keen on this one either. I smeared some coconut oil on it hoping to make it taste better, and it worked. But the VitaTop itself? No bueno. Maybe it’s because I got use to the sweetness of their chocolate flavors, that I was expecting the same for these… just a more natural tasting sweetness.

Earlier today I wanted to go to the state fair, but then I realized how far it was! I looked at Matilda and she gave me that “look”. The one that makes me feel bad if I leave her alone. Hmm… what could we do?

Matilda and I went to the neighborhood I lived in 7 years ago.

Matilda and I went to the neighborhood I lived in 7 years ago.

They have lots of trails, and there are tons of trees. I didn’t encounter another person on the trails so it felt like a beautiful hideaway. While we were walking we did encounter some other four-legged friends though!

Why hello there!

Why hello there!

Two superbly groomed poodles

Two superbly groomed poodles
This was so hilarious to watch! The dog kept doing that.

This hyper dog was so hilarious to watch! He's jumping if you didn't notice.

Then I was in search of my favorite house in my old neighborhood. Matilda and I kept walking, and I wasn’t sure I would even remember where it was.

Snack break!

Snack break!

Uh... hello?

Uh... hello?

Okay, now I've got your attention.

Okay, now I've got your attention.





Here you go!

Here you go!

Just sitting pretty.

Pretending to have manners.

Puppy paws!!!!

Puppy paws!!!!

Okay I've crossed overload territory

Okay I've crossed overload territory... just a few more I promise!

Hehe she looks funny here.

Hehe she looks funny here.

-sniff sniff- I think we're close!

-sniff sniff-

I think we're close!

I think we're close!

There was a house on a hill...

There was a house on a hill...

... with a beautiful view.

... with a beautiful view.

I love it! I looked around to make sure no one saw me - maybe they'd think I was a private eye?

I love it! I looked around to make sure no one saw me - maybe they'd think I was a private eye?

The front of the house has a neat design because you can see all the way through to the back.

The front of the house has a neat design because you can see all the way through to the back.

Mission accomplished! I headed back and picked up a couple things from the store:

"Say hello to my leetle friends."

"Say hell-oh to my leetle friends."

Then I came home and made myself a silly dinner

Meet Barbarella.

Meet Barbarella.

She’s made of delicious Virginia grown gala apple slices, sultry appleseed eyes, onion-breath smile, sprouted hair that she accessorizes with pine nuts and parmesan. I’d say she has a tomato aura! Her prized possession is her Ak-mak fan that her boyfriend, Hommus, got from Armenia. Right before she rushed out of the house for her dinner plans, she remembered to put on some Honey Mustard dressing.

This may seem random, but I’d like to set aside some space to let you all know how incredible you are. When I first started reading blogs I was just a silent reader. Then one day I decided to make my own! I started out by just posting recipes I had done, but I felt like I wasn’t making any connections with people. One day I just decided to make my posts more inviting by actually putting my personality into them. From that point, I started to make new friends. I wanted to let you all know that you really mean a lot to me. I feel like I’m going to get all sappy here, but I really care about you all. Even if someone is MIA for a while I start to get worried, and then some days later they make a post and my worries are put to rest. When I read what you guys have to say I feel like I’m having a conversation. Sometimes I read about the days when one of you is feeling down and just plain not up for anything. It makes me sad to read those posts and I wish I could give that person a hug. But I know we all have those days, and it’s totally natural. And some of you put up honest and very personal posts, and those remind me that we’re all human – that’s a good thing! No one is perfect; perfection is a moving target. Then I read people’s responses and it warms my heart to see the compassion and care we all possess. It’s refreshing because in a world where people avoid making eye contact or even say hello, I don’t want to lose faith. I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I just want to let you all know that you are all amazing; I often think to myself, “wow, these are people I admire, and they’re my friends.” So… this is going to be SUPER cheesy, but… you’ve got a friend in me!

Enjoy your week!

The Art of Savoring

Thank you all for the compliments on my outfit! And I wish I could’ve shared the view with you guys. Pictures are kind of like sharing, right? Now here’s something for you to feast your eyes on:


I wanted to make something special with the little treasures I found the other day. I decided to start my day with a delicious bowl of overnight oats with the figs. I wanted to share the goodness so I made a bowl for my mom too! Aren’t they beautiful? Almost as beautiful as Eliza and Maya (thanks for the idea, girls). Now I can vouch for the brilliance of fresh figs in oatmeal. I was also inspired by the recipe for those yummy Sicilian fig cookies! Which meant that in this bowl I put in some golden raisins, lemon zest, vanilla extract, cinnamon, cloves, fresh figs, and honey. Since we didn’t have almonds on hand I thought, “hmm that just means I’ll have to use almond butter.” No complaints here! So refreshing and delightful to eat. In the middle of breakfast I decided to cut up a banana and mash it into my bowl. Bananas are never a bad choice in my book.

Grinding my own garam masala.

Grinding my own garam masala.

I find that when you grind your own spices the aroma comes out even more when you’re cooking. Freshly ground cinnamon wafting through the air is such a comforting smell. Everyone will keep asking you with eagerness “when’s dinner ready?”

I was inspired by my favorite dish at my favorite Indian restaurant.

I was inspired by my favorite dish at my favorite Indian restaurant, India K'raja.

The inspiration is a creamy mango sauce with homemade paneer and cooked with nuts and raisins. My take on it included paneer, pineapple, mango, freshly ground garam masala, and almond bits sprinkled on top. I wish I could’ve made more, but we were short on time and had to make due with what was in the house. Since we’re headed on our vacation today we didn’t want to overload on groceries for the week.

Butternut squash and vanilla risotto

Butternut squash and vanilla risotto

I followed this recipe, and I must say – WOW! Every ingredient in this recipe made this dish perfection in my mouth. I realized I had forgotten the salt, thankfully the saltiness from vegetable stock was enough.

Colorful pasta!

Colorful pasta!

IMG_5591I followed Katie’s alfredo sauce recipe but I added a bit of nutmeg to give it a little oomph. I also chose to make it with tofu rather than agar agar, since that’s what I had on hand. Katie, once again, two thumbs up! I love your creative recipes.

I had some leftover sauce so I figured I could mix it with the beets I roasted last night. This was my first attempt at roasting beets. It wasn’t hard, but it was messy! My fingers temporarily turned pink.

It looks funky! I also threw in some rosemary and a drizzle of honey.

It looks funky! I also threw in some rosemary and a drizzle of honey.

Beets can't help but paint everything pink!

Beets can't help but paint everything pink!

Everytime I eat or drink anything with beets I check my cheeks to see if they’re rosy. I swear if you include beets in your life (a lot of them), they are nature’s blush! It sounds like such an old wives tale, but I’d like to believe it.

What’s your favorite old wives tale?

So what’s with the title of this post? A lot of things have happened in my life that have made me take a step back and realize how precious it really is. Usually I don’t discuss my past (sounds like I’m a member of the mafia), but it seems somewhat appropriate right now. During my last week of high school, my boyfriend at the time, Chip, was killed by a fellow classmate. It was a terrible loss on so many people’s parts. Not just for the people who lost Chip, but also for the family and friends of the boy who took his life away. I’m a firm believer in the idea that things happen for a reason, even if it just straight up sucks. Anyway, that moment in my life led me to reevaluate a lot of things – reevaluating is something I think I do constantly, so it wasn’t a first. But I’ve never had someone that close to me pass away. I became very spiritual because I didn’t want to lose that connection I had with him. He was the first person I fell in love with, so it was hard to let go. Plus it’s too depressing to think that this life is it and there’s nothing afterwards. I’m not sure what the afterlife is all about, but I think there is one. I just remember the last time I saw him I was driving home and we happened to be driving next to each other. It was such a nice surprise. He was going to a meeting so we each went out separate ways. I would’ve never thought that waving him goodbye as he was making that left turn would be the last time I would see him. It just shows how life can be so fleeting. Rather than taking this as a “why me” experience in my life, I took it as more of a reason to appreciate life. It’s hard not to step outside and take a big deep breath, look up at the sky and smile at what’s around me. It’s hard to hush my laughter when I just want to burst! If I feel like dancing, I’ll dance. If I “just don’t feel like it”, I honor that feeling as well. So I guess where I’m getting at is that an important part of life for me is to savor the moment. Life should be good, but sometimes things happen, and these things are a part the journey too. Live and learn, and make the best of it.

He was the kind of person who could do something ordinary in a million different ways.

He was the kind of person who could do something ordinary in a million different ways. I noticed the patches of grass made a smiley face!

On a lighter note, I know I’ll be making the best of it while I’m away on vacation. I’m excited to give up daily responsibilities, but I’m going to miss Matilda. This is the first time me and the family will all be separated from her. Thankfully, a family friend of ours offered to take care of her while we’re gone. It’s reassuring to me because it’s hard for me to trust people to take care of her. She’s like my little baby.

What are some of the precious things you all savor?

Breakfasts Fit for Royalty

As I’m sitting here typing this I’m enjoying a nice cup of French vanilla coffee with a splash of vanilla almond milk while it’s pouring outside. I usually don’t drink coffee, so this is a treat! I’m actually glad it’s raining because that’ll help make the temperatures more bearable. I can’t believe I rode my bike to store yesterday in 100+ degree weather. It actually didn’t feel that hot though. Anyway, I think this is the perfect time to share some wonderful breakfast creations I’ve been making. Of course they involve oats and a some granola too!
What the heck those oats are yellow?

What the heck those oats are yellow!

Gingery Bango Oats

1/2 cup oatmeal (or more)

1 cup liquid (water, milk, milk alternative)

1 scoop banana protein powder (I used Spiru-tein)

1 cup mango chunks

1 Tbl crystallized ginger

1. Boil the cup of water, milk, what have you. Stir in the protein powder. That’s when the yellow kicks in!

2. Once it has reached it’s boiling point, stir in the oats. Now stir every once in awhile until the oats are done cooking.

3. Serve and mix in the mango chunks and crystallized ginger.

Oatmeal a la Heather

Oatmeal a la Heather.

I opted for frozen mango chunks!

I opted for frozen mango chunks!

Heather’s wonderful idea: using the jar as a bowl for a final farewell to Barney. I definitely wanted to get as much of out of this $10 jar of almond butter as I could. The love affair was amazing while it lasted, but Barney is too high maintenance for me! I think I’d prefer a simpler man who doesn’t want to go on such expensive dates.

So tropical!

So tropical!

Mango and banana make an awesome crime fighting team. Hungry stomachs around the world, beware!

Such a refreshing breakfast with a cup of green tea.

Such a refreshing breakfast with a cup of green tea.

A yummy bowl of Hemp Bliss Granola, strawberries, and plain yogurt. I always start out my day with a cup of green tea.

Rose Water

I love the colorful bottle.

The white peach slices make for a beautiful presentation!

The white peach slices make for a beautiful presentation!

Peach and Banana Oats infused with Rose Water

1/2 cup oatmeal (or more)

1 cup liquid (water, milk, milk alternative)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 sliced peach

1/2 sliced banana

Sliced Almonds

Splash of Rose Water

1. Boil the cup of water, milk, what have you with the protein powder.

2. Once it has reached it’s boiling point, stir in the oats.

3. Serve and mix in the peach and banana slices, and the rose water. Then sprinkle the almonds on top.


I saved the best for last! I'll call this delectable creation Cherry Almond and Ginger Oats

I saved the best for last! I'll call this delectable creation Ginger Cherry-Almond Oats

Ginger Cherry-Almond Oats

1/2 cup oatmeal (or more if you’re hungry)

1 cup liquid (water, milk, milk alternative)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder (optional but if you omit this then add in 1 tsp vanilla extract)

Smidge sweetner of choice (I used stevia)

Sliced Almonds

1 cup cherries (I used frozen to cool the oatmeal down)

1 Tbl crystallized ginger

1. Boil the cup of water, milk, what have you. Stir in the protein powder, almonds, and sweetener.

2. Once it’s boiling stir in the oats. You know the drill!

3. When it’s done cooking, serve in your favorite bowl and mix in the cherries and crystallized ginger.

Note: You guys don’t have to use protein powder, but since I need to make sure I’m getting enough protein I include it. It makes for a much creamier and thicker oatmeal.



Look at my make-shift bookmark!

Look at my make-shift bookmark! Noticed the empty bowl in the background?



I finished reading Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami. I’ve heard a lot about this author and this was my first book of his that I’ve read. The only japanese literature I’ve read are poems and proverbial stories. I’m not sure if his style is typical of contemporary Japanese authors, but I definitely enjoyed the book. I can only imagine all the books he’s read and experiences he’s had because the imagery and language in his writing is wonderful! I’ve been trying to do a lot of summer reading. Actually, I want to read more in general. I know that during my semesters it’s hard to read a book that’s not required for classes, but I’ve managed to. However, I know I could read more. The imagination grows the more one reads. I know I sound like a total nerd, but I’m all about never losing my imagination. I think it’s more important than preserving my skin! But I think my mom would disagree.

Anybody have any book recommendations?

Here’s a song you guys can dance around your room to and pretend you’re a rockstar!

St. Vincent – Actor out of work

Stir-fry and Goat Cheese



This was my lunch awhile back but I just wanted to share the goods. I made a stir-fry with red cabbage, chickpeas, summer squash, and I forgot what sauce. I love red cabbage in my stir-fries. Actually, a really yummy addition to stir-fries are pomegranate seeds! My mom likes to do that, and it adds this delicious splash of flavor. Now! The toast was my favorite part of the meal. I had some goat cheese leftover from the pizza I made, so I thought, “hmm… why don’t I put this on top of some bread?” So I toasted some bread, spread on some goat cheese, and put on some of Trader Joe’s Rosemary Marcona almonds. I also sprinkled on some extra rosemary because I can! Have you guys ever had rosemary bread? If you haven’t, I highly highly recommend it! You can try baking it yourself and dipping it in a mix of olive oil and fresh ground black pepper. It’s seriously to die for.