There cannot be a stressful crisis next week. My schedule is already full!

Hello everyone! Today is Friday, the end of another week. These past 2 weeks have been very overwhelming for me, but sometimes that happens. However, I’m use to just 1 week of madness rather than 2 consecutive weeks; it almost seems as if there’s no end! I’m almost expecting something else to pop up. Uh oh, I shouldn’t jinx myself. Yesterday I was riding my bike and in the middle of the intersection my only working brake decided to break. I put my feet on the ground, but it was scary because I thought a car was coming. So right now I have no bike, and that just means I’m walking around everywhere. The only problem with walking everywhere is that it takes a lot of time up. While I’m on my walks though, I allow that to be my “me time” of the day, since the other hours are spent using my brain to do schoolwork. Good news – my bike should be fixed by tomorrow and the weather has been nice.

Now that the weather is starting to cool down I'm using a better moisturizer.

Now that the weather is starting to cool down I'm using a better moisturizer.

For years I wouldn’t use body lotion, but since I started taking better care of myself, I’ve incorporated this into my daily morning routine.

Ice cream for breakfast!

Ice cream for breakfast!

Hey Sarah, I finally remembered to have some good old ice cream with my oatmeal. I also decided to incorporate it in a breakfast similar to a “peach crisp” Sarah made to get her day started. Good idea!!! I also blended my oats with the last of my ricotta and Zoe’s Granola – leaving in style.

Spaghetti squash with Lemon Garlic Sauce and Ricotta

Spaghetti squash with Lemon Garlic Sauce and Ricotta

This was my first time trying this squash, and I loosely followed this recipe. As you can see I used more than just a dollop of ricotta. I also got to try out the soon-to-be discontinued CLIF nectar bar: lemon vanilla cashew flavor. One question: why are they discontinuing them? This bar was so good!!! And the squash was…

SO much fun to eat!

SO much fun to eat!

I ran to my roommate to show her how cool this was. Not to mention, less dishes! What’d I do with the other half? Here are some clues:

Holla at the steal! I got the last two packages.

Holla at the steal! I got the last two packages.

This was also at the Manager's Special price of $1.69!

This was also at the Manager's Special price of $1.69!

This time I served it with a Tofurky Kielbasa sausage, tomatoes with balsamic vinegar and EVOO, red onions, and freshly grated parmesan.

This time I served it with a Tofurky Kielbasa sausage, tomatoes with balsamic vinegar and EVOO, red onions, and freshly grated parmesan.

I’d never tried the Tofurky sausages before, but I had a feeling it would be yummy. I think this would be wonderful with a potato salad, or some rotkohl. I can’t believe that there is so much flavor in a vegetarian alternative product. I’ve had Veggiedogs before, but these are more substantial. I can’t wait to try their other flavors!

Yesterday I got a phone call from the UPS man, and when I walked downstairs my eyes popped out of my head at the size of the package I had received. Hmm.. what could it be?

Greek yogurt!

Greek yogurt!

It’s been so long since I’ve had Greek yogurt in my life, and I miss it so. It’s really just a matter of cost really that keeps me from buying it. But you know what, an occasional “splurge” shouldn’t be a big deal. I just hate being 100% financially dependent on my parents – I feel like such a burden – so I try my hardest to save. Anyway, I’ve never tried Chobani’s Greek yogurt, so of course I had to try one ASAP!

The pineapple flavor.

The pineapple flavor.

So. Good! It had an awesome texture and actual pineapple chunks. I’m so glad they sent me 2 containers because this was awesome. I can’t wait to try another flavor out. Furthermore, I can’t believe this has 13 g of protein! Great for vegetarians, great for anyone and everyone!

For dinner I had something simple, and comforting.

Nothing special, and I had to use up the rest of my sprouts.

The pine nuts and raisins were nice, and I got to use up the rest of my sprouts.

A simple tomato and cheddar cheese sandwich on buttered bread.

A simple tomato and cheddar cheese sandwich on buttered bread.

For a nighttime snack I tried the Banana Nut VitaTop.

With it's partner in crime, peanut butter - the crunchy kind!

With it's partner in crime, peanut butter - the crunchy kind!

I am not really a fan of this VitaTop. I felt it was lacking in flavor incomparison to the other ones I’ve tried. I thought the peanut butter might salvage it, but I guess not all of them can be winners. Maybe it’s because banana bread is usually some mom’s secret stellar  recipe, that this VitaTop just seemed off.

I’m not the only one that’s getting to eat treats though!

I want it!

I want it!

A cheese biscuit for my little nugget.

A cheese biscuit for my little nugget.

Get in muh belly!

Get in muh belly!

I'm such a tease.

I'm such a tease.


She's just too cute.

She's just too cute.

I’ll leave you all with just one more goodie I got to try.

Superfood Slam

Superfood Slam

This time I tried one of Art’s Original Flavors. Wow! I am still loving how you can see every ingredient. This may not look too appetizing but don’t be fooled. Some of the unique ingredients in this bar are barley grass, dates, acai, peanut butter, and chocolate. There’s was so much goodness going on in my mouth when I was eating this bar. So far, I’ve enjoyed every flavor I’ve tried. Perhaps, you just can’t go wrong!

Now we're both satisfied!

Now we're both satisfied!

Well everyone, I hope you all had an enjoyable week and have some fun things to look forward to this weekend. Tonight marks the first Friday of October, which means all the galleries around here have new exhibitions. I’ll be doing the First Friday Artwalk.

What are you all doing to kick off the month of October?

22 thoughts on “There cannot be a stressful crisis next week. My schedule is already full!

  1. Hola chica! SO happy you introduced ice cream to your breakfast bowl! I can’t wait to make those ice cream oats again–and I think I’ll do the peach crisp combo because your bowl looks bountiful and SABORful 🙂

    Isn;t Burt’s the best? I love all of their products–obviously the chapstick!

    And omg your spaghetti squash looks amazing– and, yes, very fun to eat!

    I hope all your hecticness calms down soon; it always does 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  2. hey lovie 🙂
    haha just had to run over to Maya’s room to see your post something still is wrong with my laptop or something and i cant see your photos 😛 its so odd, but i guess Maya is here for a reason lol…well love all your eats, just got a speggheti squash the other day, love them, i have made such yummy dishes in the past with lentils and veggies, or just peas and evoo.
    and just had a ProBar, people dont know what they are missing these babies are amaazing, i had the koko moko or w/e its called lol, the coffee chocolate one, so good! 😉

    lots of love

  3. just had a koko moko(coffee chocolate) lol..probar! shared with eliza for part of snackie! sooo good! love them, and also love that u can see every ingredient! so pure… i also have that super food waiting 🙂 haha

    walking is nice..but biking is so much faster, i am always so jealous of the biking people who speed right past me as i am walking!

    spaghetti squash! i love it, its one of my favorites, so fun to eat and so cool how it looks like spaghetti 😉

    your puppy so adorable!

    have fun at the art walk! sounds so fun!

    love you girly!


  4. Yikes to the brake issue!! That’s scary!

    I love your spaghetti squash combos! Holla to the Chobani – what a great package to receive! Tomato + cheese = simple and delicious 🙂

    Have a great Friday!

  5. I have yet to try all vitatops- it’s on my to do list. 😉

    But Chobani- hell to the yes. love love love it.

    And I completely understand about relying on the parents for some moolah. Especially with groceries.

  6. how do i kick off october?? silly question to ask a german! OKTOBERFEST! haha you put me into the spirit when you mentioned the sausage and the rotkohl. i love love love rotkohl. its the best!
    i am also loving your spaghetti squash, i really hope i can find one here so i can make some too. sadly i have never seen any.
    i always get so excited when i see your blog has an update. i love this blog more than anything. keep up the wonderful work katharina-maus!
    ganz dicken knutshcer

  7. I feel ya on being stressed and overwhelmed girl-i’m in on a FRIDAY night doing homework. Now that’s never happened! Haha….but everything looks gorgeous as per usual. I always love your photography, and your pup is so cute!

    I cannot wait to try that new pineapple chobani, everyone’s loving it! I also can’t wait to try my hand at spaghetti squash. I would looove it with tofurkey and tomato sauce! That sounds fab! Have a great night! xoo

  8. I always love that you find time to make creative meals! Those pictures with your dog are SO cute. And to answer your question, I’m going over to the boyfriend’s place this weekend. 🙂

  9. I’m pretty sure the banana nut vitas are sugar free – which may be why you thought it was pretty blechh.. understandable 🙂

    hang in there with your busy work my love – and most importantly, don’t forget to breathe! 🙂

  10. So jealous of your cheap buys! That price of the cheese is crazy! And your spaghetti squash concoction does sound so much fun to eat! 😀

    I hate being 100% dependent on my parents, too…but I did promise them a good nice cruise from my first paycheck! 😉

  11. so many yummy eats you got there! I want to try that squash and ricotta combo, sounds delish~~
    your doggie is sooooo cute!!!

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